Twenty years a Terf

Twenty years ago, the slur of “Terf” had not been invented, and the concept of gender ideology was confined to university lectures on Judith Butler. Radical feminists were fighting for the rights of women, and everyone knew they didn’t have …

Where Are We Now?

[The following is the first chapter of Dr. Julie Ponesse’s book, Our Last Innocent Moment.]

Pretending something doesn’t matter doesn’t make it matter less. 

Jennifer Lynn Barnes, All In Do You Matter?

I am Kelly-Sue Oberle. I live at [address]. …

How safetyism killed playtime

There’s a certain type of British festival, where middle-class, middle-aged parents relive the glory days with their children in tow. It’s all cult bands from the Nineties, craft ales, and fairy lights in the broadleaved woodlands to make the walk …