Mpox, Numbers, and Reality

Public health responses are most effective when they are grounded in reality. This is particularly important if the response is intended to address an ‘emergency,’ and involves the transfer of large amounts of public money. When we reallocate resources, there …

Mpox: A Pair of Deceptions

In my previous post, I wrote about various kinds of deception practiced by the globalists to achieve their nefarious goals. Just after completing it the monkeypox – now renamed Mpox, apparently because, puzzlingly, ‘monkeypox’ is ‘racist’ – phenomenon resurfaced, after …

Stochastic Terrorism

On January6 2021, half a million people believed that the 2020 election was stolen and collected in DC for a vote fraud protest.  By Gordon Ritchie There are many many ways to […]

Source: The Expose Read the original article …