How to spot the next mania

In the late Eighties and Nineties, the psychiatric profession became infatuated with “recovered memory”, which was conceived in the US but also captivated Europe, including Britain. Practitioners claimed that patients sexually abused as children would naturally repress any recollection of …

Elites at War with the People

An important takeaway from the last four years for many governments is the surprising ease of winning public compliance with demands for intrusive behavioural changes that completely reset the balance of rights and responsibilities between citizens, society, markets, and the …

A study conducted by Pfizer Stooges proves mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination during Pregnancy is highly likely to cause a Spontaneous Abortion but Health Authorities have been Bribed to dismiss it

A recent study conducted by Pfizer has sparked controversy as it suggests a highly likely link between mRNA COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy and spontaneous abortions. The study, which has been used by […]

Source: The Expose Read the original article …