Dr Vernon Coleman’s latest book Their Terrifying Plan explains how insane, billionaire globalists are plotting to take over the world and details precisely how they have created a terrifying future designed to change life for everyone alive and for every …
Cometh the Hour, Cometh the Woman
A moment comes, which comes but rarely in a nation’s history, when a new star is born in the political firmament. In the years ahead, Australians might well look back on Thursday September 14, 2023, as one such moment. That …
BRICS is part of the plan to reshape the world economy; it was launched decades ago by Goldman Sachs
On the Unchartered Territory Podcast, Dan Astin-Gregory and Sam X discussed globalisation, deglobalisation, centralisation, decentralisation and localisation. They began by discussing the global shift that appears to be on the horizon with […]
Source: The Expose Read the original article …
Nick Hudson: The cult of “trust the science”
How do you know that you are not dealing with the facts but with a scam? Nick Hudson has a really simple answer: “If there are three things happening, then you know […]
Source: The Expose Read the original article …
Thrown To The Wind: The film that could Save an Entire Whale Species is now free to watch
When Public released its first documentary, ‘Thrown To The Wind’, a month ago, Facebook censored any mention of it. At that time, it was only viewable by subscribers to Public. Now, Public […]
Source: The Expose Read the original article …
Climate Related News: Wildfires, urban fires, climate change and economic depression have something in common but it is not CO2
Corporate media frequently spread conspiracy theories but this is never acknowledged. Corporate media also spreads propaganda according to the wishes of their paymasters. Propaganda which includes all things related to a “human-caused […]
Source: The Expose Read the original article …
SHOCKING INVESTIGATION: The COVID-19 Vaccines cause a new form of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome; here’s all the evidence…
AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is the name used to describe a number of potentially life-threatening infections and illnesses that happen when your immune system has been severely damaged. People with acquired […]
Source: The Expose Read the original article …
DARPA & Moderna teamed up to create mRNA Gene Therapy Injections which led to a Deadly COVID “Vaccine”
DARPA has openly bragged on Twitter that Moderna’s mRNA vaccine technology, and by extension Moderna’s Covid vaccine, was a product of their ADEPT program. Below, Spartacus takes a look at the paper […]
Source: The Expose Read the original article …
Will we execute the Russian oligarchs?
As the war was starting in the early hours of February 24, 2022, when the CIA was forecasting Kyiv’s imminent fall and a quick victory for Moscow, a wealthy Russian friend mailed me for my views. His own were conveyed …
The gladiatorial art of the quiz show
For better or worse, the TV quiz show is the perfect cultural expression of our age. Like the knowledge they require of contestants, they are too easily dismissed as trivial, but you only have to scratch the surface to discover …
Why you want to be a millionaire
For better or worse, the TV quiz show is the perfect cultural expression of our age. Like the knowledge they require of contestants, they are too easily dismissed as trivial, but you only have to scratch the surface to discover …
Russell Brand and the presumption of innocence
Should the presumption of innocence apply to Russell Brand in the court of public opinion, as it should in a court of law? It is a question that has sharply divided social media this past week, and both sides have …
The lies of trauma merchants
My colleagues and I filed into the vice president’s office at the publishing house where I worked, crowding around a television that was turned to ABC. The year was 2005. The mood was giddy, as if we were about to …
How To Defeat BlackRock – #SolutionsWatch
After watching How BlackRock Conquered the World, we know all about the problem: a financial behemoth is flexing its monetary muscle to shape society in its image. So what’s the solution? Boycotts? Buycotts? Can we strive for something different, or …
Pandemic in Paradise: the pandemic response in Hawai’i | Jennifer Smith, PhD
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During the Covid pandemic, virologist Jennifer Smith worked as an epidemiological specialist at the Hawai’i Department of Health (HDOH) where she was involved in the front line response efforts, monitoring travelers, investigating cases and …