The Unabomber never grew up

The Unabomber and I share several connections. Both of us hold PhDs, are of Eastern European descent, and attempted to escape the dismal modern world by fleeing to remote locations in western Montana — he after leaving academia, me just …

Passing Observations 175

    The BBC constantly interviews Blair and Sunak despite the fact that they are both war criminals and should be in prison. I suspect that if Stalin and Mussolini were alive the BBC would hire them as misinformation specialists. (Incidentally, have

MeToo was no match for bunga bunga

Italy’s longest-serving post-war premier already had a vision, two decades ago, of how he wished to be memorialised. The cruise-ship-crooner-turned-property-and-media-mogul changed Italian planning law to permit the construction, in the grounds of his mansion, of a giant marble mausoleum. Decorated …