The UK Government is getting round its deliberately manufactured shortage of doctors by the simple expedient of lowering standards. The shortage was manufactured in many ways. For example, medical schools were told to admit more female than male students (even …
The ARMY IS A CULT / Hugo Talks
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Insane is now the New Normal
Missiles to Ukraine, Victorian diseases, animal testing returns, “hateful content” laws and climate change alarmists are excited about fossil fuel burning hydrogen. Can it get any worse? Well, yes. But in the […]
Source: The Expose Read the original article …
They’re using indoctrination tools on you right now, today. And it’s only going to get worse
We fight against a truly unprecedented disinformation campaign, where the liars are claiming that everyone else is giving out misinformation, basically turning truth on its head. While propaganda takes many forms, mainstream […]
Source: The Expose Read the original article …
Are vaccines safe in pregnancy, and Pfizer’s hidden data
The mRNA vaccines were released globally in early 2021 with the slogan ‘safe and effective’. Unusually for a new class of medicine, they were soon recommended by public health authorities for pregnant women. By late 2021, working-age women, including those …
The Great Meatless Diet Con (Part 4)
The fallacy that cow burbs and farts contribute catastrophically to our methane levels comes from an Oxford University study. Corporate media hijacked the story as proof that humans could reduce their carbon […]
Source: The Expose Read the original article …
Netherlands Land Grab: Dutch farmers prepare for a battle
Despite the election results and the outrage, the Dutch government is pushing ahead with its plans to destroy Netherlands’ agricultural sector. So, on Monday, the chairman of the Farmers Defence Force, Mark […]
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Do national conservatives trust the people?
It was inevitable that this week’s NatCon conference in London would be met with the usual mix of mockery and outrage. To some, the very concept of national conservatism is anachronistic and ludicrous; to others, it is all-too modern and …
The false lesson of lockdown scepticism
Now that the US and WHO have both declared an end to the Covid health emergency, one might be tempted to think the pandemic nightmare is finally over. Indeed, for most people, it had already been overtaken by more pressing …
Why is Canada betraying women?
Canada has a long history of oppressing its Indigenous peoples. During the colonial era, they were mistreated, excluded, had their land stolen, and were separated from their families. But this past isn’t over; it still shapes the present. In particular, …
Wolves are at war with France
The wolf is at the door. My local newspaper Sud-Ouest has informed me that I and the rest of the inhabitants of Charente Maritime “must prepare for the return of wolves”. I howled, in anguish. There are already wolves to …
Thwarting Facial Recognition – #SolutionsWatch
We all know about the danger of a future society where we’re all tracked everywhere we go every single day in real time by our phones or devices . . . but actually, it’s worse than that! You’re already …
Is the UK sending military equipment to enrich the oligarchs who own Ukraine?
Ukraine isn’t in the news much anymore and perhaps that’s because some curious things are happening that corporate media can’t easily explain without incriminating the very regimes they’ve supported, and themselves. After […]
Source: The Expose Read the original article …
The Great Meatless Diet Con (Part 3)
Even if all “plant-based” foods were, in fact, natural, made from clean vegetables, fruit, and seeds, a purely vegan diet would be insufficient to keep most people healthy. Nutrients that are only […]
Source: The Expose Read the original article …
Why you should raise objections with your MP about WHO’s proposed IHR amendments and Pandemic Treaty
Recently, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the Director-General of the World Health Organisation (“WHO”), declared the covid emergency over. It highlights the absurdity of bureaucratic regimes dictating when we should be scared or not […]
Source: The Expose Read the original article …