America needs to calm down

Wherever you look someone is sounding the alarm about how America has been taken over by evil extremists and is going to hell in a handbasket. This sort of talk used to be confined to the fringes: you’d actually have …

Who is Germany preparing to fight?

The Berlin elite is quick to lambast other countries for any perceived lack of predictability. Being berechenbar or “reckonable” ranks high among the Teutonic virtues. So Germany’s own recent policy gyrations have been wondrous to behold.

The attack on Ukraine …

The monkey in the room

Investigating the curious role of vaccines in various outbreaks of disease – from Patrick Henningsen’s excellent website

Source: Dr Vernon Coleman - MB ChB DSc Read the original article here: …

The End of Birds

The global warming nutters (now presumably tired of the polar bear myth) are claiming that there are fewer birds in our gardens and hedgerows because of climate change.

This is a truly pitiful piece of misinformation and deceit.

It is …